Humans and Technology

Five forces that will shape the future

These are the big trends of the coming decades that need to be considered for any new technologies to be successful.

Feb 26, 2020


US wealth gap

Since 2007 the bottom 50% has had zero or negative wealth (i.e., debt).


  • Top 10% of people: 65% of wealth
  • Middle 40% of people: 34% of wealth
  • Bottom 50% of people: .01% of wealth


  • Top 10% of people: 73% of wealth
  • Middle 40% of people: 27% of wealth

Source: World Inequality Database (2018)

Data explosion

We’re going to need better storage, processing, and privacy.

Source: IDC Research, The Digitization of the World. From Edge to Core. (2018)

Rise in average global temperatures

As surface temperatures increase, so will sea levels, extreme storms, and habitat disruption.

Source: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Climate at a Glance (2020)

Language extinction

Source: UNESCO World Language Atlas (2010); Ethnologue: Languages of the World (2019)

An older population

Today, 9% of the global population is over 65. That’s going to grow in the next decades, redefining work, health care, and our economy.

Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019).