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Your thoughts on the Hundred-Dollar Laptop, omniscient casinos, and more
Its aim: around the world on zero gallons
Language Weaver’s machine-translation software aids homeland security.
New tests could catch the disease earlier.
Juan Enriquez’s company creates new organisms.
Investing in Really Simple Syndication
Mikko Hypponen defends the Web against mischief.
The TR35 points to the globalization of talent.
The exhaustion of cheap oil will not be catastrophic.
The quest for new maps
It must, if we want things like clean air.
Affymax, Zensys, Fiber Tower, Labcyte, and more…
New publications, experiments, and breakthroughs in information technology – and what they mean
New publications, experiments, and breakthroughs in biotechnology – and what they mean
New publications, experiments, and breakthroughs in nanotechnology – and what they mean
These high-tech machines are no toys.
Demand is fueled by iTunes.
After MGM v. Grokster, are we any closer to a solution?
Many creative people have stayed inventive their whole lives – by redirecting their talents and experience.
Robert Noyce dreamed up the microchip in a 1959 notebook entry.
The cheap oil will end one day. What about civilization?
MIMO, the new wireless technology, promises faster and more powerful Wi-Fi. But just how well does it work?
Boston Scientific’s blockbuster medical device–and the novel way it was developed
As the fiber-optics industry crashed, Corning got into an entirely different market: tailpipe emission controls. is making software-as-a-service a popular idea.